


1. Q: What motivates you? 甚麼事情能激發你的積極性?

A:  I’m happiest when I see a project through start to finish. 或

I get a real kick out of (從…中獲得刺激) running a team that is happy and knows it is successful.

2. Q: How do you handle criticism? 你怎樣處理批評?

A: I’m happy to be given constructive(有建設性的)criticism. In fact, being prepared to take such constructive criticism is the only way I can learn from mistakes and improve my performance.

3. Q: Do you take directions well? 你能欣然接受指示嗎?

A: Definitely. And I don’t see how a team can function effectively unless its members are happy to take directions from the team leader.

4. Q: Do you consider your career so far successful? 你認為到目前為止你的事業成功嗎?

A:  What matters to me – more than money or status – is to have a job which is interesting and stimulating, and I’ve been very lucky in that respect. So I would say my career so far has been successful.

5. Q: How would your boss describe you? 你的上司會怎樣描述你?

A: My boss would describe me as hard working, highly motivated and efficient. She’d say that I work well on my own initiative (主動積極), and I’m a supportive member of the team.

6. Q: What salary are you expecting? 你的期望薪酬是多少?

A:  What salary would you pay for this post? 或

What salary range has been allocated to this post?


7. Q: What do you dislike most at your present job? 你最不喜歡現職工作的哪樣事情?

A: I really enjoy my work. But sometimes, I get a little frustrated in a small company that I don’t get to meet customers as often as I’d like. That’s one of the reasons why this job appeals to (有吸引力;引起興趣) me so much.

8. Q: What is your present boss’ greatest weakness? 你現在的上司有甚麼缺點?

A: To be honest, I’m lucky to have a very supportive boss who is good at her job and very easy to work with. I can’t think of anything – if I did, it would only be something so minor that it wouldn’t be worth mentioning.


關於作者Frankie Chan

香港人的英文底子不算差,可惜表達能力不足,往往不能把所學的英語靈活運用,結果遣詞造句生硬,表達時總不能一矢中的 。值得慶幸的是,不管你以往的英語成績怎樣,只要有上進心,你都有機會將英語修煉成披荊斬棘的利器。可惜,坊間的英語課程所涵蓋的內容未必貼近現時香港人的需要,有見及此,Frankie Chan IELTS特地本著「即學、即記、即用」的方針來開辦「IELTS精讀課程」,旨在教授IELTS精華技巧及搶分竅門,內容針對港人英語的通病,並囊括滿分說話及寫作框架,務求短期內全方位加強學生的IELTS戰鬥力,從而輕鬆考獲佳績。另外,有別於一些導師刻板的教學模式,Frankie Chan會經常攝製趣味英語及IELTS教學短片,以更「貼地」及生活化的方式,提升大家對英語的興趣及IELTS的考試技巧。

加拿大頂尖大學First-class Honours
畢業於加拿大頂級學府Queen’s University,取得一級榮譽學士
修畢英語教學碩士,以GPA 3.95 (Distinction)之卓越成績畢業,並成為該屆Valedictorian,其中Second Language Teaching更獲得A+等級
前現代教育名師,任教IELTS、TOEFL、TOEIC及Workplace English課程達12年
各大媒體英語專欄包括:《星島日報》IELTS攻略專欄、Yahoo! 商業英語專欄及style-tips.com生活英語專欄
暢銷著作包括:IELTS攻略書《IELTS精華寫作攻略》、TOEFL攻略書《托福高分速成─TOEFL 10天考前衝刺》及商業英語參考書《職場英語 Power Up》